About Me

As a mom, I get really annoyed by moms.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Registry Wednesday: OMFG

Three words: Pottery Barn Kids. One abbreviated expletive: OMFG.

I feel compelled to give a brief summary of a registry I recently discovered from the above retailer (prices approximated):

* $1200 Rocker and Ottoman

* $600 Changing Table

* $400 Crib

* $100 Side Table

Surely prospective parents who register for these items know that in a matter of months, the side of that crib is going to be chewed to such an extent it'll look like Mom gave birth to a gaggle of woodchucks. They have to know that the Rocker/Ottoman combo costs more than my mortgage...and that its plush fabric will eventually be sullied by any number of baby yucks.

Baby registries are now like new cars. Whether it's an Audi, a Volkswagen, or a Datsun, it's out there, and it's more than just a way to get around.

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